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NonStop Database Conversions

Whether the need is to convert data from the NonStop platform, or to the NonStop platform in either NonStop SQL/MP or Enscribe, we have the skills and experience to provide a comprehensive, seamless, and efficient solution.  We begin with a detailed plan including mapping each data element and documenting derivation rules and methods, followed by a performance efficiency plan – to get the data transfer speed the faster possible.  We have many pre-written tools and subprograms that can greatly reduce the time required to convert a wide range of database fields.

Our skills in areas such as these help assure success…

·        NonStop SQL/MP, NonStop SQL/MX, SQLCI, MXCI

·        Enscribe – FUP, DDL, Enform

·        DataLoader/MP

·        Savant Warehouse Transport

·        FastSort/Sortprog

·        FTP

·        NDM (Network Data Mover), aka Connect:Direct

·        TMF (NonStop TM/MP)

·        RDF (Remote Duplicate Database Facility)

·        GGS E/R

·        AutoSync


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