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File Management Tools

These file management tools are a collection of powerful utilities designed to increase productivity and ease of use when dealing with NonStop (Tandem) files.  The File Management collection is comprised of the following modules…



 Tracks file size growth for capacity planning and histograms, stores in a SQL/MP table.


 Multiple Reload - FUP RELOADs files matching a wildcard fileset.


 Partition Info, a tool to list, count, sort, and summarizes files and execute command against.


“Watches” files or processes until a state change or action occurs (Opened, exists, etc.)

LO (Listopens)

Lists file openers, complete with wildcards and command options per file (STOP, ALTPRI, …)

LL (Listlocks)

Lists file locks (Process details extracted from Transid), with wildcards and commands.


An alias for the TACL command FILEINFO.


A 2nd type of FILEINFO, reporting percent full and last modification.  Filter by PCT > n.


Scans all files in a wildcard set for a text string.  Search for all edit files with “text”.


A utility to show file contents, supports wildcards, and text filtering (WHERE = “text”).


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